Published Work
Brown, L. S. (2018). Soft Skill Development in the Higher Education Curriculum: A Case Study. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 12(4), 7–29.
In the study of career success in a rapidly changing world, the importance of preparing established career professionals for increased success as they transition from roles and/or organizations has increased. Measuring success in careers has also changed. In this field of study, intrinsic variables are now perceived as important as the extrinsic as we move forward and consider the whole personal and life-span development in addition to the extrinsic, objective measurements predominant in the past. The paper is a study of the efficacy of an online graduate program designed to prepare students w ith the mindfulness, dialogue, collaboration, and communication skills necessary for the 21st century global workplace.
Brown, L. (2015). The Effective Use of Learner Control In Designing Computer Based Instruction. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2015 (pp. 1711-1718). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
This research paper explores the benefits of using the strategy of learner control (LC) in computer-based instruction (CBI), analyzes the evidence and conditions of its efficacy, and proposes a model for designing effective learner control activities for CBI. LC provides an opportunity to allow the student to construct his or her own learning and create a more meaningful learning experience. When conditions of prior knowledge and clear instruction on the learner’s role in the process are taken into consideration by the instructional designer, learner controlled activities are appropriate and beneficial in computer-based learning instruction and can be aligned with most theoretical approaches in instructional design.
Brown, L. (2015). Case Study: Reporting on the Redesign of a F2F Lecture Course to Promote Community Learning and Increase Retention. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2015 (pp. 1436-1442). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
This study reported on the successful redesign of a large, university level lecture course in Introductory Psychology from a traditional face to face (F2F) course into an active learning environment. The lead instructor, Dr. Don Ehlers, adapted the SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Review, Recite) method of learning for the structure of his learning design. He included changing the seating of the class into groups, multimodal instruction, and incorporated computer based adaptive quizzing assignments. The new design increased student engagement, student and learning retention, and excited meaningful learning through the application of social learning and problem based learning theory. Through the initiation of the redesign to the fall of 2014 when the data in this case study was collected, not only did student test scores and student retention rates rise, but Dr. Ehlers’ reputation for having the best class on campus did as well. In a student focus group of 80 students and an anonymous survey of 53 respondents, students overwhelmingly reported that Dr. Ehlers’ class was the most effective on campus.
Brown, L.
(November 2014). Case Study: Missouri State University. Effective use of Launch Pad Product. Macmillan
Learning 2015 Case Studies. Boston, MA: Macmillan Higher Education.
Brown, L.
(December 2014). Case Study: Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo – The Effective Use of
Launch Pad for Krugman/Wells/Graddy. Macmillan Learning 2015 Case Studies.
Boston, MA: Macmillan Higher Education.